Practicing Mindful Eating
Mindfulness is really just a form of meditation that helps you realize and deal with the stresses of everything on your body. You don't
How the Holidays Can Improve Your Health
When researchers looked at nearly 150 studies on social relationships and mortality, they found that people with stronger social ties had 50

Tips for Staying Healthy this Holiday Season
Eat well
It’s common to pack on 5-10 pounds during the holiday season, but there are ways you can eat both healthy and well! Know which food

Weight Training: The Do's and Don'ts
The Do’s and Don’ts of Weight Training In weight training, it’s easy to lose sight of the fundamentals when you get caught up in the...

Chiropractic and the War on Opioids
The American Chiropractic Association (ACA) is focusing its efforts to bring attention to alternatives to opiates to manage pain. Currently,

Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Mammograms are the best way to detect these lumps early on, since it is said to be more efficient than self diagnosis. There are other sympt

Bulging Discs: Chiropractic is the Answer
Many people with a bulging or herniated disc feel confused, frustrated and worried about their condition. In the general population, about 1

Back to School
It's back-to-school time, and that means trips to school, scraped knees, books, backpacks, and school sports. The activity can be great...

The Dangers of Heat Stroke
August is known to be the hottest month of the summer. Preparing to live through the sweltering heat is one of the best ways to survive...

The Benefits of Essential Oils
We all know about the everyday power of scent: how a particular perfume reminds you of your mother, or when the smell of your favorite...