Flip Flops and Your Health
A lot of us love wearing our flip flops year round, especially when it’s a sweltering 90 degrees outside. Let’s be honest, we really...
Happy Mother’s Day Weekend
Mothers are perhaps the most influential person in our lives. They’ve raised us to the best of their ability with unconditional love and...
May The Fourth Be With You
Today is the unofficial holiday for Star Wars Fanatics across the world, and with only a few short weeks until the next Star Wars movie...

Arthritis and Chiropractic
May is National Arthritis Awareness Month! Arthritis is a joint disorder featuring inflammation. A joint is an area of the body where two...
Is Your Cellphone Helping or Hurting?
It's an undeniable fact of modern life: our cell phones are a part of us. If you're the type that panics when you realize you've left...
The Ups and Downs of Social Media
Three billion people, around 40% of the world’s population, use online social media – and we’re spending an average of two hours every...

What is “Tech” Neck?
If you’re reading this, congratulations: You may be well on your way to chronic neck pain in the foreseeable future. Why? You're staring...
Correcting Forward Head Posture
A common problem many chiropractors see in the computer age is forward head posture. If you work a desk job or spend a lot of time on...

The Activator Method
Ever wondered what the pogo stick looking tool chiropractors use is? Well you’re not alone and it’s important for us to clear things up!...

Adjusting Away the Stress with Chiropractic Care
Does stress seem to follow you wherever you go? At home, you have the stress of dealing with your family and other daily, stressful home...