Chiropractic and Digestive Relief
Perhaps it’s due to our diets or inactivity. Perhaps it’s our increasingly sedentary lifestyles. Whatever the cause, digestive troubles...

Can Chiropractic Help with Allergies?
Spring is in the air. Flowers are budding. Leaves are growing. And the days are getting longer. That’s terrific, right? Unfortunately for...

The Piriformis Muscle and Chiropractic
The piriformis muscle is located deep beneath the fat of the buttocks near the gluteus maximus region, and is responsible for making the...

Suns Out, Vitamin D In
Spring is here! Starting today, days are getting longer, and we can spend more time in the sun. One of the benefits is that our body,...

Kinesio Tape and Chiropractic
You may have seen professional athletes, dancers, gymnasts, and others who engage in extremely physical activities using a type of tape...

Spring Cleaning Your Health
Ah, spring. There's something simply magical about the season. Even perpetually peppy birds seem to have a little more cheer in their...
Benefits of Coconut Oil
You’ve no doubt noticed that coconut oil is on everyone’s lips lately. You may also be aware that it’s in their frying pans, their...

Diving Into Whole30
If you haven’t heard of the Whole30 diet then you might be living under a rock but that’s okay! We’re here to bring you out from under...

Metabolism Boosters
How many people blame their genetic predisposition on their slow metabolism? Or, how many people say that their partner can take off...
Reigniting Your New Year's Resolution Fire
It can be daunting when your list of New Year’s Resolutions is as long as your holiday shopping list. In addition to the post-holiday...