The Dangers of Heat Stroke
August is known to be the hottest month of the summer. Preparing to live through the sweltering heat is one of the best ways to survive...
Night, Night, Sleep Tight
Sleep is an integral part of your health and life. Mess with it -- meaning not putting much attention into getting proper amounts or quality

Stress: The Silent Killer
Chronic stress is hazardous to health and can lead to early death from heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But it turns out...

What is pain?
It’s human nature to not want to be in pain or physical discomfort. Obliterating pain is not always the greatest approach to pain management
Take Valentine's Day to Heart
While boxes of decadent chocolate treats, celebratory champagne and romantic, high-calorie dinners may dance in your mind as a way to...

The Dangers of Heat Stroke
August is known to be the hottest month of the summer. Preparing to live through the sweltering heat is one of the best ways to survive...
Snap, Crackle, and Pop
You love to pop—but should you stop? I don't know about you, but I almost always take notice whenever my joints start to pop or make some...

Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis is a medical term that seems to be more and more prevalent in the chiropractic field and many patients fear the worst...

What is Spinal Manipulation?
When you hear the words "spinal manipulation" what sort of images race through your head? It doesn't exactly sound like the most...

The Activator Method
Ever wondered what the pogo stick looking tool chiropractors use is? Well you’re not alone and it’s important for us to clear things up!...