Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Nowadays, everyone is looking for that quick fix to be lean and mean in their summer bathing suits but knowing how to do that seems to be...
Tips for a Healthy & Happy 4th!
Everyone knows that Fourth of July cookouts are filled with delicious yummy treats like cupcakes, alcohol, greasy burgers, hotdogs,...

Adjusting Away the Stress with Chiropractic Care
Does stress seem to follow you wherever you go? At home, you have the stress of dealing with your family and other daily, stressful home...

Suns Out, Vitamin D In
Spring is here! Starting today, days are getting longer, and we can spend more time in the sun. One of the benefits is that our body,...

Spring Cleaning Your Health
Ah, spring. There's something simply magical about the season. Even perpetually peppy birds seem to have a little more cheer in their...
Benefits of Coconut Oil
You’ve no doubt noticed that coconut oil is on everyone’s lips lately. You may also be aware that it’s in their frying pans, their...

Processed Foods: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
While not all food that comes from a package is unhealthy, eating a diet full of heavily processed goodies is linked to a number of...
March is National Nutrition Month
Whether it's starting the day off right with a healthy breakfast or fueling before an athletic event, the foods you choose can make a...
Chiropractic and Your Immune System
In today’s online world there is a plethora of articles and blogs out there sharing information about what foods and herbs to use to help...

Walk Your Way to Better Health
Walking isn’t the talk of the fitness world like CrossFit, mud runs, and marathons but it really should be. Many fitness experts stress...