Football and Chiropractic: The Combo You Need
It’s that time of year again. Football season is among us. This brings a lot of excitement to people everywhere, but for some parents, it...
Chiropractic and The Olympic Games
Chiropractic care was offered as one of the core services for athletes for the first time ever at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games...

Why your Purse is Giving You Back Pain
According to the American Chiropractic Association, half of working Americans admit to having back pain. What’s more, our nation as a...

Stretches for Neck Pain
Whether you’ve slept in a funky position or you've been staring intensely at your computer screen for hours on end, a crick in the neck...

Ways Athletes Use Chiropractic
If you’re an athlete or just a weekend enthusiast, you understand the numerous demands of participating in a sport such as running,...

Sports and Chiropractic Care
If you’re an athlete or just a weekend enthusiast, you understand the numerous demands of participating in a sport such as running,...

Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy
The American Chiropractic Association defines chiropractic as “a health care profession that focuses on disorders of the musculoskeletal...
What to do after a car accident
Motor Vehicle Accidents and Chiropractic Care Have you or someone you know ever been in a car accident? One of the most common injuries...

What is Text Neck?
Text neck is the term used to describe the injuries and pain sustained from looking down at wireless devices for too long. The symptoms...
Neck & Back Pain
Most people do not realize how much they move their neck during the day until they are unable to do so. The degree of flexibility of the...