Your Wallet and Your Back
Your wallet is one of your most taken-for-granted accessories. That’s because you’ve had one since you were in grade school, and it’s...

Why your Purse is Giving You Back Pain
According to the American Chiropractic Association, half of working Americans admit to having back pain. What’s more, our nation as a...

Natural Remedies for Headaches
Headaches often get brushed aside as nothing more than a common complaint, a quit-your-whining-and-start-working type of thing…if only....

Tips for Lower Back Pain
The lower back is a problem area for so many people today. We are constantly bending, lifting, twisting and putting tension on our lower...
Headaches and Chiropractic
If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are...

What is Text Neck?
Text neck is the term used to describe the injuries and pain sustained from looking down at wireless devices for too long. The symptoms...

Headaches & Chiropractic
Tension Headaches Tension headaches are the most common type of headache. The pain usually spreads throughout the head so that sufferers...
Neck & Back Pain
Most people do not realize how much they move their neck during the day until they are unable to do so. The degree of flexibility of the...