Night, Night, Sleep Tight
Sleep is an integral part of your health and life. Mess with it -- meaning not putting much attention into getting proper amounts or quality

Weighted Blankets
There is a new health trend out and it’s called Weighted Blankets! Many people struggle with issues that cause anxiety and insomnia. Loss...
Pillow Talk
Here at The Chiropractic Office of Dr. Gene Ross we get asked a lot of things, but one of the most popular topics is pillows. There’s no...
Sleeping Tips
Getting a good night’s sleep should be at the top of your to-do list. Sleep is critical to good health and is important to not only...

Sleep Well, Sleep Right!
Does it take you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep? Do you wake frequently throughout the night or too early in the morning and then...

Snoring and your Health
We hear a lot about how hard snoring is on those who have to share the same bed with a snorer, but nobody gives much thought about how...

Surviving the End of Daylight Savings
This weekend, Sunday November 6th at 2 am, Daylight Savings Time will end and we will all travel back in time one hour, meaning you get...