Tips For a Healthy Thanksgiving
Did you know the average calorie consumption on Thanksgiving is 4,500 calories, according to the Calorie Control Council? The average eater

Back to School
It's back-to-school time, and that means trips to school, scraped knees, books, backpacks, and school sports. The activity can be great...
What is a Headache?
Whether you’re under pressure, under stress, under the weather, or just hit by a sudden storm of pain — virtually all of us have...

Stress: The Silent Killer
Chronic stress is hazardous to health and can lead to early death from heart disease, cancer and other health problems. But it turns out...

Natural Treatments for Headaches
Have you ever had a headache you couldn't shake? Or have you ever felt as if you can't seem to find a medicine to help you get rid of...
Sneaky Causes of Headaches
Waking up with a headache may not be a weird thing for you. Frustrating? Irritating? Sure. But, out of the ordinary? Maybe not. Headaches...

Types of Headaches
A headache is defined as a pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. The pain originates from the tissues and structures that...

Adjusting Away the Stress with Chiropractic Care
Does stress seem to follow you wherever you go? At home, you have the stress of dealing with your family and other daily, stressful home...

Thanksgiving Do's and Don't's
I know you’re probably going to eat more on Thanksgiving than you would on most Thursdays. And, I understand. It’s one of my favorite...
Eat Without Regret this Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is the time where people everywhere will warmly gather with friends and family around a table filled with delicious food and...