Substitutes for Your Favorite Summer Foods
It’s summer which, for most of us, means the time of year when we feel the need to eat a little bit more healthily and move our bodies...

Smaller Portions More Frequently
With obesity becoming more common around the world, you may have heard about the importance of eating small portions. No matter if you...

Snoring and your Health
We hear a lot about how hard snoring is on those who have to share the same bed with a snorer, but nobody gives much thought about how...

How Much Sugar is too Much?
Most Americans would agree that sugar is quite tasty especially when it sweetens our favorite treats like soda, desserts, fruits and much...

Sciatica and Chiropractic
Sciatica may sound like an intimidating term but really the term sciatica describes the symptoms of leg pain and possibly tingling,...

The Best Fast Food to Eat When You're Hungry on the Go
Sometimes eating on the fly is a fact of life. Findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reveal that fast food...

Foods to Boost Brain Power
Eating well is good for your mental as well as your physical health. The brain requires nutrients just like your heart, lungs or muscles...

Knee Pain? Try this out
The most basic of daily activities from bending down to pick up a child or maybe a purse, climbing the stairs, walking from your car to...

Natural Remedies for Headaches
Headaches often get brushed aside as nothing more than a common complaint, a quit-your-whining-and-start-working type of thing…if only....

Ice vs Heat: The Great Debate
Ice versus heat is one of the biggest debates in treating injuries. There is so much confusion on which one is better to get you back up...