Bulging Discs: Chiropractic is the Answer
Many people with a bulging or herniated disc feel confused, frustrated and worried about their condition. In the general population, about 1
Need To Know About Cholesterol
We have multiple types of cholesterol: HDL, LDL, and VLDL which are lipoproteins (a combination of fats and proteins). Our "good"

Back to School
It's back-to-school time, and that means trips to school, scraped knees, books, backpacks, and school sports. The activity can be great...

The Dangers of Heat Stroke
August is known to be the hottest month of the summer. Preparing to live through the sweltering heat is one of the best ways to survive...
Dangers of Social Media Use
Social media use doesn't just affect our physiological health but can cause self-esteem issues as well. In this generation, we see model
Self-Care: Why Is It Important?
Managing your self-care is essentially living a balanced life and life can get way to stressful for anyone to handle. It is always important

Spinal Muscular Atrophy
This genetic disorder affects people of all ages from newborns to the elderly and is past down through two mutated autosomal recessive trait
Lifestyle Changes For The Better
Then when it comes to having to change we do not accept it, making excuses that "keep" us from breaking habits like saying there i
National Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month
In the United States there are around 300,000 children diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and scientists do not know the cause but

The Benefits of Essential Oils
We all know about the everyday power of scent: how a particular perfume reminds you of your mother, or when the smell of your favorite...