Take Valentine's Day to Heart
While boxes of decadent chocolate treats, celebratory champagne and romantic, high-calorie dinners may dance in your mind as a way to...

Cold Weather, Stiff Joints
Many people notice that as the temperatures drop, the achiness and pain in their joints increases. This isn’t in your head. Cold weather...

Winter Health Tips
While the winter season might increase the risk for weather-related injury, the biggest risk to our overall health is a lack of attention...

Chiropractic Care for Neuropathy
What is Neuropathy According to the National Institute of Health, approximately 20 million people in the United States suffer from some...
Tips for Sticking with Your Fitness Resolution
If you’ve promised yourself to be more active in 2019, you have lots of company.Almost two-thirds of people — 59 percent — who are making...
How To Make Your Resolutions Stick
Lose weight. Quit smoking. Spend less time online. Whatever you resolve to change this New Year’s Day, psychologists say you need a plan...

Tips For Creating A Lasting Resolution
The holiday season is upon us, and with it come our hopes and aspirations for the new year. Many of us translate these lofty hopes and...

Traveling Pains
The holidays are a mess. If you’re looking to travel during the holiday season, you’re condemned to frustration. The mall is crowded. The...

How to Stay Healthy with Seasonal Changes
The days are growing longer, the daffodils are about to bloom and the sun is shining. It’s a great time to get outside, right? Not if...
Football and Chiropractic: The Combo You Need
It’s that time of year again. Football season is among us. This brings a lot of excitement to people everywhere, but for some parents, it...