Healthy Weight Loss Tips
Nowadays, everyone is looking for that quick fix to be lean and mean in their summer bathing suits but knowing how to do that seems to be...
What You Need to Know About Sunscreen
Many years ago, sunscreen was not a tool parents had in their arsenal to help prevent their children or even themselves from sunburn....

Tennis Elbow and Chiropractic Care
When you go out on the tennis court, you may not be Serena Williams, but you’re going through the same movements and putting your body...
Tips for a Healthy & Happy 4th!
Everyone knows that Fourth of July cookouts are filled with delicious yummy treats like cupcakes, alcohol, greasy burgers, hotdogs,...

Natural Treatments for Headaches
Have you ever had a headache you couldn't shake? Or have you ever felt as if you can't seem to find a medicine to help you get rid of...
Sneaky Causes of Headaches
Waking up with a headache may not be a weird thing for you. Frustrating? Irritating? Sure. But, out of the ordinary? Maybe not. Headaches...

Types of Headaches
A headache is defined as a pain arising from the head or upper neck of the body. The pain originates from the tissues and structures that...
Happy Father's Day!
Father’s Day is this weekend and it’s a time to celebrate all that dads do! Quite often, dads are the last to complain or fuss about...

What is Spinal Manipulation?
When you hear the words "spinal manipulation" what sort of images race through your head? It doesn't exactly sound like the most...

What is Grounding?
In short, earthing or grounding is putting the body in direct and uninterrupted contact with the earth. This means that skin needs to...