Thanksgiving Do's and Don't's

I know you’re probably going to eat more on Thanksgiving than you would on most Thursdays. And, I understand. It’s one of my favorite holidays too! I want to eat all my favorites (stuffing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie…), but I also don’t want to wake up the next morning and feel like I’ve undone my progress. Of course, if you’ve been exercising and eating right, one day won’t undo all the work you’ve done. But, as we head into winter, it’s easy to fall off the horse and really struggle to get back on. With that in mind, here are some Do’s and Don’t’s to keep you healthy and active:
Do: Exercise Stay or become active. Find a type of physical activity you enjoy. Start or increase your exercise routine leading up to Thanksgiving and remain active through the holiday season. Consider including a family walk or spending time at a local park as part of your Thanksgiving Day. Don’t: Skip Breakfast If you are sitting down to a meal with an empty stomach, your chances of overeating are significantly increased. A small meal in the morning will help curb your appetite and help control your portions and how often you eat during the rest of the day. Do: Eat slowly With so many delicious options, it is easy to dig in fast and furiously. Resist the urge. Savoring your food by eating slowly allows you to feel full and enjoy your food. Result? Fewer calories in. Don’t: Drink too much Alcohol has calories too, and can impair your judgment when it comes to going back for seconds, or thirds. Remember to drink water. It will keep you hydrated and can help limit your alcohol consumption. Do: Watch your portions Keeping your portions small and reasonably healthy lets you to sample more of the foods you love. Make sure to include some heart-healthy vegetable side dishes. Don’t: Forget what the holiday is about. The holiday is not just about the food. It is about being thankful for what you have and enjoying time with your friends and family.